Cuore di Gesù

Messaggi d'amore

Gregory Kerr

Those young birds shall be made pure and whole again

Gesù dice, “Thank you. Thank you, my son, for all that you have done for me in my name. Thank you for giving my children in the isolation of their dark prisons, my light. For the glory of my love within them, that shall redeem them in new hope from despair each day, that shall walk them within my arms, guiding them in my mercy, in my love. They shall never be forgotten.

Those young birds that once sang in their childhood, in their innocence, shall be made pure and whole again. And they shall sing a new song of hope in my love.

The power of my love, the power of my Cross is with them. Take them the light of the redemption of my Holy Cross. Take them my love, yes, my love. I shall give them all for my glory.”

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