Cuore di Gesù

Messaggi d'amore

Gregory Kerr

La tua mano di misericordia, crocifissa per il nostro perdono

I am now here in Assisi and I am thankful to God our Father, and through the intercession of Blessed Carlo, who has led me here. The night is glorious, covered with clouds and a cold light wind.

Outside my window on the balcony there is a palm. I believe it is a date palm whose lengthy leaves expand across my window in the night sky. I can see them moving and I can feel their beauty, as though I have entered a different world. I behold the peace with a palm of peace touching my window and touching my soul.

Within the palm leaves there is a small angel made of light that has appeared. It is an infant and is smiling. And I praise you, God our Father, that you may be glorified throughout the earth and the universe for your loving mercy and kindness. I ask now you pour them upon the world to give us peace, to renew our souls through a deeper conversion and our call to convert and live according to your laws, to your new covenant of love with your children, Father.

Jesus said, as I was admiring the palms, to receive him and as his hand now appears before me bearing the wound of his crucifixion.

‘I ask you, Lord, to anoint me with your Precious Blood of mercy, and take me according to your will. I rejoice in you, my love and all that you have given me, as I am nothing and I seek nothing, except the joy and peace each day of loving you and of giving your love to my brothers and sisters. Take me with your hand of mercy, of sacrifice, crucified for our forgiveness, and forgive me my sins and the sins of the whole world.

I love you, my Lord, I love you.

Sì, prendimi come desideri".

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