‘My Lord, I can feel you calling me in the night, your presence within me and I take hold of the power of your Spirit. I claim it and I proclaim it for your glory, for the victory of the light of your passion, death and resurrection and mercy for all of your children and in the beauty of the stars that shine over the moon and the crickets that sound in the silence.
My heart says that I love you. I love you, my love. Come and take me as you desire. And thank you for bringing me home. I can hear you in the silence and I can hear you in all creation. For as the sun set in the ocean, the waters were still and they mirrored your glory in all things.
“My son, I created all of this for your glory and the glory of my children.”
‘O Father, how I have needed you. Protect me within your arms of love. And I thank you for all that you have given me throughout my life. For the blessings that have been seen and witnessed and unseen. For the gift of your love within my heart and for others. As you now awaken my soul, nothing can be greater than you who art our God.’
“My son, come to me and I will show you the way, I will show you the path. I have given you, the gifts and the ability to fulfill my will in every way. May the glory of the light that appears before you, of my light in all things, carry you, my love, amongst the stars and every country that I lead you to.
This island, Spanish Wells, . . .”
“. . .yes, shall always be your home. I have led you here and you can return. But now I must lead you out.”
‘The time has been so short, Father. I am not tired, I am overwhelmed. I can do all things through Christ, your son who strengthens me. I only ask that you bless this day with my family, this last day here. And if your will be changed, that I may stay, I pray it also. Wherever I am with you, I am happy.’
“My son, I shall fulfill your heart in every way in your coming to me. All that you must do is ask and I shall give you anything that you desire.”
‘My Father, I desire nothing. There is nothing in this world that can please me more. I only ask that you take care for my family, my loved ones, my friends. And that you continue to bless me, providing me for what is necessary to fulfill this work.’
“My son, be a light of joy for others. Give your heart joyfully to those who are in need.”
‘I love you, Father, and I thank you for your mercy. Take me in your love as you desire. And may the beautiful crickets that sing in the night, and reflect your glory, always remind me of home.
Thank you for bringing me here and of reminding me of what is most important in and through you.’