Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

Mexico shall not fall into the hands of darkness

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady now says, “Yes, my son, I will be present at tomorrow’s consecration to the Holy Trinity, as well as to my Immaculate Heart, as your lady of Guadalupe. I will be present in my love to offer my heart to the hearts of my children throughout the world and throughout Mexico for the redemption and salvation of my people, for the salvation of my children, especially those who come to give witness to me as their Lady of Guadalupe.

Yes, I am always with you in my love. And at tomorrow’s mass, I will be present in a special way through the offering of the hands of the cardinal and all of those who shall be present to receive the glory of the graces of the light of the love of my son Jesus, that shall consume them in his mercy.

Yes, I am asking all of my children to return to my son, to return to him in the Holy Eucharist and be consumed by his loving mercy each day. Through this consecration, I shall bless many. And as it shall be fulfilled each year, my Immaculate Heart, as your Lady of Guadalupe, shall continue to protect my dearest country of Mexico in my love.

Tell the people not to fear, not to be afraid. But continue to unite as one body in faith and in the love of my son, Jesus. The stronger the prayers for this country, the stronger the faith shall be and the stronger the country shall unite in my protection and in the protection of God’s love.

I am with you and I shall never abandon you. And I say that Mexico shall not fall into the hands of darkness, but shall always be a country of the light of the faith, against all darkness, oppression of freedoms and evil.

I love you, my children and I am always with you.”

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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