Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

Multiply my blessings

‘In Revelations 3, the scripture says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with me.” Lord, I stand at the door and knock that I may hear your voice and that you may come in to me and dine with me and that I may be with you and you may be with me.

May the eternal light of the victory of your Cross lead me each day through the power of your mercy to heal, to guide me with hope and renew me in the joy of your hope that is love.’

“My son, I only desire to give you that which is good, that which is hopeful. And in doing so, I desire that you multiply my blessings. I desire that you multiply them in love. May the eternal light of my Cross be your strength and your joy. May the eternal light of my mercy give you strength.”

‘Lord, I am here now in Mexico. May you give me the strength in these upcoming days to fulfill your mission with love and the hope of all that is good.’

“Trust in me, my son. Trust in me and I shall guide you. And you shall know my love for I shall be in you and you shall be in me.”

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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