“My dear child, it is through love that I am calling all souls to my mercy, to repent and offer their lives to me, at the foot of my Cross. I, your Jesus, am calling all souls to repent before it is too late, which is why I have sent my mother to be an ambassador of heaven on earth for souls in need of my mercy, for souls in need of my hope. Therefore, I am calling all souls to a deeper conversion and to walk to the path of humility in the light of the faith.
Do not judge one another, but love one another.
Yes, my heart cries in mercy for so few respond to the heart of your Savior. The response I desire is a response of love for me, my mother and my Father, to call upon the Holy Spirit and to renounce sin and darkness.
Yes, the world is in need of love to bring forth peace.
Therefore, my child, I am calling you to be an instrument of my love each day. Not as the world calls but as I call. Not for the things of the world but for my heart. For I call all of my children from the heart of my love. And I am calling all my children to receive and pray for the gifts of faith, hope and love each day, the gifts of my mercy.
I love you and you can only find your rest in me, your peace and your hope in me, my child. For although I have called through birth my children, to live in the world but not to be of the world, to be of love and Spirit in all things.”