Serce Jezusa

Przesłania miłości

Gregory Kerr

I am perfecting you in your humanness

“My son, it is good that you have come to me. Know that I am fulfilling this work in truth and in the joy of the love that I have for my people. Do not let your heart feel overwhelmed, but be still in prayer and seek me in the glory of my love each day to fill your heart.

I know that you are tired and the enemy is attempting to tempt you to walk away with not believing or receiving me. He wants you to look for false glory in the path ahead, to fulfill your own will and your own life, not my will, my son, not for eternal life or the salvation of souls.”

‘My Lord, I want nothing for my own life except to love you.’

“My son, with calm and peace, fulfill my steps.”

"Tak, mój panie".

“My son, continue to let me lead you in going out amongst the hearts of the people. Receive me each day as I desire, and rest in my love. Rest in the holy glory of my Cross. Rest in my sacrifice of mercy for your heart and for souls.

‘Lord, I am most grateful for your words.’

"Tak, mój synu".

‘I have felt overwhelmed with many things and have been seeking to rest. But as you have told me, the time for rest is now over.’

“Yes, my son, the enemy wants to confuse physical rest with resting in me. I have made you strong and I have given you health. And yes, it is important to rest in sleep. But what is most important is that you rest in me.”

‘My Lord, I do not want to neglect any of my responsibilities.’

“Know, my son, what is most important is that you receive me and fulfill this work as I desire. You are human and I am perfecting you in your humanness. Not everything that you do will be perfect, my son, or in perfect time. But, by standing with me, this work shall be perfected.

Yes, rest now and believe and trust in me. Do not feel anxious or afraid.

Today is Sunday, my son. It is the day of rest according to my commands. Rest in me.”

‘My Lord, I take confidence in you and your mercy. O holy light, Spirit of Love, consume my soul; take me as you desire.’

Dla wygody użytkowników wiadomości te zostały przetłumaczone maszynowo. Jest ono w pełni zautomatyzowane i nie wymaga interwencji człowieka. Dołożono wszelkich starań, aby zapewnić dokładne tłumaczenie, jednak żadne automatyczne tłumaczenie nie jest doskonałe. W razie wątpliwości prosimy o zapoznanie się z oficjalnym tekstem w języku angielskim.

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