Serce Jezusa

Przesłania miłości

Gregory Kerr

Imagine what I feel

‘Psalm 42 says, “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for you, O God.”

O my holy and eternal life, consume me in the waters of your mercy, that I may drink from the fountain of all life. And you who are all love, may take me as you desire unto your wings of mercy for the hope and good of those who do not know love.

I think of my mother’s goodness as I need her now here with me. And ask you, dear mother of love, you, dear mother of the victory of the Cross, to draw her closer to me from heaven, and to ask you to take me within your heart, immaculate, pure and true, to love those who are unloved, who are in need of mercy.

Matthew 5 says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

My Lord . . .’

“My son, I am with you and I send your mother to you, united to the heart of my mother. She loves you so.”

‘O dear mother, lead me as you desire in the loving mercy of your son.’

“My son, be not afraid, but listen to the heart of my son, Jesus, who is love, and allow him to take you in his footsteps of love daily. Listen to the joy of his heart beating within your heart.”

“And let your heart rest now, my love. Do not listen to the sounds of the world, but listen to my heart. I am with you. Let your heart sing of my mercy.”

‘My Lord, I feel alone now.’

“Do not worry, my son, you are not alone.”

‘I can feel the loneliness of the hearts of those who have been in prison. I can feel their sadness and their pain.’

“Yes, my son, imagine what I feel.”

‘I am like a child now who needs its mother.’

“Be for them, my son, a consolation of love. Take with you, my mother.”

"Tak, mój panie".

“Your mother, my son, is here with me and she is proud of the work that you fulfill from within my heart.”

‘I remember when I was a boy and my father took me to football camp. I did not understand why I would have to hit someone while playing the game. So, my father and the coach explained to me the rules of the game itself.

Before that moment, I was crying for my mother. I was just a boy and I knew that I would need her all of my life. And you kept her with me in your love.

Then after I understood what it was that I needed to do, I went straight for the quarterback and I tackled him with ease.

The same shall happen this day. For I know that I must enter the prison and go directly for their hearts to tackle the sorrow and the pain and the need that I have for my mother now.

Is this in you, my Lord? For in Psalm 16, it says, “You will show me the path of life, in your presence is fullness of joy, in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Yes, my Lord, you will show me the path to their hearts.

Thank you for bringing her to me.’

“Rest now, my son, rest your heart in my love knowing that I will be with you.”

‘Yes. My Lord, take me, take me as you desire. Your love is good and true. May I do good through your love and only you.’

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