Serce Jezusa

Przesłania miłości

Gregory Kerr

Message of His Holiness St. John Paul II: God Unites

Cecilia: How are you? Thank you for being with us.

Gregory: I’m doing well, and it’s always a gift to be with you and the viewers.

Cecilia: Gregory, you received a message from St. John Paul II on November 17 and 19 this past year, 2024. And we want to share these messages with our audience. What we are going to do is read the messages, translate them and then give a little explanation of them.

Gregory: Yes, and the message will begin with the vision that I received from Pope John Paul on November 19th the first in a series of visions and messages for the Holy Church and the body of the Church, especially in these most important and profound times in which our Lord is calling for the healing of the church from within and from within the hearts of his children.

The vision begins. John Paul II is currently appearing before me. He is standing in the courtyard of St. Peter’s. He’s standing in the joy of God’s love and mercy for God’s children and the Holy Church. He is dressed in white in his papal gown and pointing to a holy cross nearly midway in height to that of St. Peter’s Basilica. The square is empty and I could only see the Holy Cross appearing in the sky, but made of gold, and the basilica behind it.

In the vision, John Paul is pointing diligently that we may recognize the power of our Lord’s passion on the Cross. For the Cross is love and love is the Cross. And that we accept the eternal and transforming power of God’s mercy through his death on the Holy Cross that shall save our souls, that will save the unity of the body of the Holy Church.

He is pointing to the Cross because God unites, God who is love unites. And the power of his mercy is hope, that we are more than conquerors in Christ. What he fulfills and desires according to the light is that no darkness can destroy, because nothing could ever separate us from the love of God.

He will have his final victory through the power of the Holy Cross, through the power that shall rise to the darkness to bring the joy of only the light. May God’s mercy sustain us, purify us and forgive us of our sins and the sins of the whole world.

Pope John Paul II then says in his message for his children, peace, peace and joy shall be fulfilled through the power and victory of prayer for those who choose he who is the resurrection and life over all darkness and sin, our good Savior of love, our good shepherd and Jesus of love. May it be done to us according to God’s will.

Do you have any questions or comments regarding the vision or message at this moment, Cecilia, before I begin to speak?

Cecilia: Why do you think the square of St. Peter was empty?

Gregory: That is a very good question and I would like to contemplate in prayer now the answer that was unknown to me before you asked. I believe the square was empty because God is calling us to fulfill a new work, to sing a new song of love to the evangelization message of St. John Paul II.

The example of the Scripture of pouring new wine into old wineskins signifies the beginning of new times for the people, for the apostles of the new times, who are united in the body of Christ, in the power and the truth, the victory of the faith.

It is also an example of the vision that I had during the Awakening retreat. Because to build something new, oftentimes we must tear down the old. Yes, for God to refine us in the fire of his divine love, to shape and mold us in a new way in life. And in the vision during the retreat, it was of Our Lady. She was standing behind her children who were dressed in white robes. They represented the chosen and the elect in these times because they chose faith.

Our Lady was behind them, the multitudes of the faithful dressed in the purity of white robes and God’s graces, transformed and transfigured by faith. And before them was the Holy Cross made of gold. The Cross appeared in the sky before St. John Paul II in the vision with the holy Basilica of St. Peter’s behind it to signify the power of our Lord’s passion and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins and the gift of our redemption and salvation.

Because without the passion, we wouldn’t have the resurrection of new hope and life. Through God’s mercy, we can be new creations in him. And our Lord is raising his children, as Pope John Paul said in his message to be united in the power of the faith and the resurrection. To be united in prayer, one body, to heal and unite the divisions within our hearts and within the Church today. Do you understand?

Cecilia: Yes. It is a new time. Our Lord is announcing to us through John Paul II a new time.

Gregory: Yes, because John Paul II spoke of a new springtime of evangelization.

Cecilia: It is the new civilization of love is what you are saying?

Gregory: Yes, and in being the Pope of God’s mercy, the evangelization about merciful love through our Lord’s passion for one another and the members of the body of the Holy Church.

Why was no one present? It’s because they will follow him. They will follow his call in the fulfillment in these times, for the new evangelism of love, to sing a new song of love each day within our hearts. How do we do that? By following the beauty of the example of the love of our Lord through our words, from our hearts, to fill our souls that Christ, as John Paul said, may live within us.

God is uniting his chosen and elected by his call and our choice to respond by saying yes.

Cecilia: Yes, yes is very important to say yes.

Gregory: It is very important. Our yes is an example of Our Lady’s yes in her Annunciation. It is an eternal yes to God. And John Paul said that the healing, the unity, of the Church shall be fulfilled through the power of prayer and the hope of the resurrection of the faith.

Yes, through the power of the faith living within us in our thoughts, words and actions, and through the power of the Holy Eucharist in these times of love. St. John Paul II now says as I said so many years ago, be not afraid. Be not afraid. Follow the path of the love of Jesus to sanctify your souls in his mercy so that he may live and breathe within you. That your hearts may be united to his heart, knowing and trusting in his mercy.

I gave my life for the love and the mercy of our Lord, for his people and his shepherd of the Holy Church. I continue to shepherd today from heaven, spiritually in God’s love. Because my papacy is eternal. And those of all Popes who had gone before me and ahead of me.

This is why I am asking you to pray for Pope Francis, God’s child of love. Pray for his healing and pray for unity in the division of the Church today created by the hands of evil.

But I say that love and light conquer all darkness. And the light, the love of our Christ, shall never be defeated. Come, my children, as we continue to lead you in the communion of saints, to know that God is with you and that he shall never abandon you in his love.

I thank you for loving our God and God’s call to love one another. Love is a great sacrifice, but it is also a great joy that produces the fruits and blessings of God within your hearts. Come now and be not afraid. Especially in these times when one day, according to God’s will, a new pope shall rise for God’s glory and the glory of the Church.

I speak of the division for healing and the light shall conquer the darkness. Because the hearts of men are divided when they are not united to Christ. Come now and sing a new song of love with me.

And pray for the fulfillment of the canonization of Carlo, that his sanctity and work of love shall be fulfilled. As my heart is united to his heart in the Holy Eucharist, in the evangelization he too shall fulfill throughout the world.

I love you in the name of Christ, open the doors of your lives to the abundance of Christ’s love.


Cecilia: Well, Gregory, that is a lot that we have to think about. We have to reflect on all these words because he is asking us to continue to pray, to be light and to love the Eucharist.

Gregory: We have so many distractions in the world today. The escalation of wealth and materialism is at a height that we have never seen before. My dear friend Antonia Acutis speaks of social media that technology can be used for good, but it can also be used not for good. And her son will be a saint of technology.

Yes, and in the many distractions of the evil one that we receive daily, we are being called to stand in the light of Christ, to make the choice for the truth of the gospel message and to live the beauty of God’s love.

My relationship as a child began when I used to lay in the grass and would look up to the sky and through the sunlight falling through the leaves of the trees, the warmth of the light, the beauty of the wind that I could feel in the breeze, I could feel the presence of God’s love in and all around me. At the age of six or seven, and in the following years of those experiences, I understood that God was love and that he was in everything and everywhere that is good in creation.

We are children of God. We are children of the light. Let us live that goodness, grace and light each day in a call to repentance, conversion and peace.

Do you have any thoughts or comments, Cecilia?

Cecilia: Yes, I have many, but we have to finish.

Gregory: Next week I will be in Rome and then going to Assisi. I’ll do the third part of this series next Thursday while I’m in Rome.

May God continue to bless you all and unite us in the joy of his love. Shout the love of God from your heart.

In the name of the Father and the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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