Serce Jezusa

Przesłania miłości

Gregory Kerr

Tylko radość

‘My Lord, I need you and I love you. May your mercy live within me and may you take me as you desire in the holy love of God our Father according to his will.

Yes, I pray for the beauty of the abundance of your love to be poured within my heart that I may walk in your joy and glory, that I may rest within your arms, and that you may take me and hold me.’

I am now having a vision of Jesus. He is appearing before me. He looks so humble and kind and dressed in a glorious way that he is impoverished. Not in his usual white gown, but in what appears to be a combination of linen and burlap. Natural colored materials that are over-layered, one forming the gown that is darker and the lighter forming a cloak that is over him.

‘O my Lord, take me, take me as you desire in your love. Lead me.’

“My son, I am dressed and appearing so as to take you on a journey.”

‘Yes, my love, take me as you desire. Where are we going my Lord?’

“Into the light, my son. And every path shall lead and fulfill you in my love. Come and let me take you. My son, I am with you and I thank you for coming to me.”

‘Lead me as you desire, my love and my Lord, take me within your arms forever. Fulfill within me the call and promises of love that you made to me now 33 years ago.

May I sing with you? And may we rise in glory for our Father.’

I am now having the final vision of beautiful small yellow birds, sweet and humble, singing in flight. And I feel only joy. Yes, only joy.

"Kocham Cię, mój Panie, kocham Cię".

Dla wygody użytkowników wiadomości te zostały przetłumaczone maszynowo. Jest ono w pełni zautomatyzowane i nie wymaga interwencji człowieka. Dołożono wszelkich starań, aby zapewnić dokładne tłumaczenie, jednak żadne automatyczne tłumaczenie nie jest doskonałe. W razie wątpliwości prosimy o zapoznanie się z oficjalnym tekstem w języku angielskim.

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