Serce Jezusa

Przesłania miłości

Gregory Kerr

Pink roses blossoming on the top of the arms of the Cross

In the dignity of God’s love and through the power of the Holy Spirit that is now appearing before me in the form of a dove. I am having a vision of thorn branches that are tightly woven in the form of the Holy Cross. Pink roses begin to appear, blossoming from the branches in a beautiful bouquet on the top of the arms of the Cross.

O holy joy of God’s love, may the feast of the Three Kings be fulfilled as you desire within the hearts of your children to bring them peace.

And now Blessed Carlo is appearing to the right of the Cross, uniting himself to the body and blood of our Lord’s sacrifice with great joy for the hearts of God’s children, for our redemption and salvation.

He was a good boy, filled with love, now soon to be a saint of God’s love, who shall call great multitudes of the youth to pilgrim and see him upon his canonization.

Our Lady, dressed in white as the Immaculate Conception, is appearing next to Carlo. Her Immaculate Heart is exposed and she is smiling with great joy. She desires that her children live with joy in the peace of receiving her son and the hope of his sacrifice.

May the glory of the roses, so pink and beautiful, be fulfilled for the love of God’s glory, to renew hope throughout the world.

Dla wygody użytkowników wiadomości te zostały przetłumaczone maszynowo. Jest ono w pełni zautomatyzowane i nie wymaga interwencji człowieka. Dołożono wszelkich starań, aby zapewnić dokładne tłumaczenie, jednak żadne automatyczne tłumaczenie nie jest doskonałe. W razie wątpliwości prosimy o zapoznanie się z oficjalnym tekstem w języku angielskim.

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