Serce Jezusa

Przesłania miłości

Gregory Kerr

Your heart was meant for spirit and life in the Spirit


“Yes, my son, I have come to you in the joy of my love for your heart, in the joy of Jesus. And I have brought to you these roses of love, graces from heaven that your heart may be fulfilled in him.”

I am now having a vision of Our Lady. She is holding a large bouquet of both red and pink roses, a large bouquet of the love of God. The red roses symbolize the beauty of the passion of our Lord and the pink, joy.

Teraz mówi, “My son, the most important thing that you can do according to God’s will is to receive us, to receive the heart of my son Jesus and the Holy Trinity. That your heart may be fulfilled with joy and the mercy of the love of God, the mercy of his strength. Receive these roses within your heart, for in receiving us, you shall know God’s will each day.”

"Tak, matko".

“My son, you have been giving so much of your heart. Do not be concerned, for it is important to rest and retreat in the holiness of prayer. Even my son Jesus did so with our Father, for he understood the need to receive his love. And as you receive, you shall continue to give.

Yes, I have brought you these roses of love from heaven to renew and refresh your heart with the joy of our Father’s love. With every word that I speak, your heart is united to the souls in heaven and on earth. Give your heart to the love of our Father each day.

Do not be concerned about the thoughts of others. This is the answer to your prayer and the intercession that you asked for yesterday. For by doing so, your joy will be complete in only God.

My son, you have done nothing wrong. And the enemy wants to use human approval or the approval of the flesh to tempt you. Do all things in the Spirit of Love and all things shall be fulfilled for our glory. Do you understand, my son?”

‘Yes, mother, to seek first the kingdom of God and to live in the Spirit, neither in the flesh nor the approval of the flesh.’

“My son, your heart was meant for spirit and life in the Spirit. Be not afraid, but let love consume you.”

Dla wygody użytkowników wiadomości te zostały przetłumaczone maszynowo. Jest ono w pełni zautomatyzowane i nie wymaga interwencji człowieka. Dołożono wszelkich starań, aby zapewnić dokładne tłumaczenie, jednak żadne automatyczne tłumaczenie nie jest doskonałe. W razie wątpliwości prosimy o zapoznanie się z oficjalnym tekstem w języku angielskim.

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