“My son, let me take you as I desire in my love. Let me take you in my mercy within the hearts of my children. So many are in need, my son. Pray for those souls whom you witnessed who are in need. For in this country of Guyana, there are those souls who have great joy even in their poverty.
Listen to the words, to the music, of my heart to sing a new song.
These past days have been a challenge, or a test, for you, a great exercise of love. But you are here now, do not be concerned for the future, only this moment that you can still serve them in love until I call you to leave.
I desire that every country that I lead you to and you step foot upon, that you pray for the hearts of the people in the country.”
‘I love you, my Lord. It is true, I am tired. But the joy of serving you is greater.
In your mercy forgive me of my sins and the sins of the whole world.’