“My Lord, my God, what good is it to gain the whole world but to lose you?
I pray to rest now. I pray to live in the hope of your mercy and love. I pray to love only you, to walk with you in your goodness and mercy all of the days of my life, and eternally, to be present before your throne in heaven forever in love, forever in the hope of what is good for your goodness is beyond belief.’
“My son, come to me always in love to receive me for I desire to embrace you within my arms forever more.”
‘Lead me in the hope of your goodness and of your light. Take my hand, take it forevermore in your love.’
“My son let me consume you in my loving mercy and the holy hope of my Cross that redeems. I desire this for all of my children.
Pray that they do not reject me, pray in the hope of my love forever. Let your life be a living, acting prayer.”