Coração de Jesus

Mensagens de amor

Gregory Kerr

Contemplate my love and I shall take you there

‘Yes, O Spirit of Light and Life, O Spirit of Love, consume my soul and take me as you desire.’

“My son, rest in me and may your heart’s desires be fulfilled according to my love. For I am your Spirit of Love, and I am with you.”

I am now having a vision of Jesus. It is the same one that began nearly an hour ago before the enemy attempted to distract me with concerns. Jesus is standing upon a mountaintop. He is pointing to the horizon that is blue and vast, and I can see the tops of many mountains.

He is smiling, yet he remains silent, wanting me to see all that is possible through him. Yet for men, for me, it is impossible. But with him, we are more than conquerors in Christ’s love.

“My son, live enjoying the beauty in the light and let me take you this day in my mercy. Stand firm and believe that nothing is impossible for me, your God.”

‘My Lord, where are you pointing to?’

“You shall see. Contemplate my love and I shall take you there.”

‘I believe, I have hope and I love God.

Yes, my Lord, I believe, I have hope and I love you.’

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