Coração de Jesus

Mensagens de amor

Gregory Kerr

Conduza-os como eu o conduzo em meu amor

“Yes my son, may the glory of my will be fulfilled within your heart this day that I may guide and love you according to my mercy.”

‘Yes, my Lord, I offer myself to your mercy at the foot of your Cross that you may consume me in your love and lead me in the power of the hope of your passion, death and resurrection. May your Cross go before me and the world behind me with love to follow you, for your Cross is love and love was fulfilled through your sacrifice on the Cross.

May I live with a deeper compassion, openness and peace of your hope and love to guide me.’

“My son, in these eternal days of Lent, offer yourself daily as a living sacrifice of the mercy of my love. This shall purify and sanctify you and prepare your heart for heaven in my time. That is not now, for you have greater works to fulfill within the hearts of those in need of my mercy, to serve others.

Lead them as I lead you in my love.”

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