Coração de Jesus

Mensagens de amor

Gregory Kerr

Deixe seu coração seguir os passos do meu amor

Psalm 91 says, “He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall dwell in the shadow of the almighty.”

‘O my love, take me to into the sanctuary of your heart, to the secret place of your love. My almighty God, you who can do all things in the mercy of your love, take me as you desire. Take me in the hope of your mercy that is freedom and peace.’

“Come, my love, let me take you now and you shall be with me forever. Come, my love, and rejoice in all that is good and let your heart spring in the footsteps of my love.

Go not only to this country of Mexico where I have sent you, but to all countries in my love that call you.

Yes, go and rejoice, for your footsteps shall be mine and the glory of my love shall reign within your heart.”

‘Yes, my Lord, take me as you desire in the glory of your love. May my soul sing for souls most in need of your mercy.’

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