Coração de Jesus

Mensagens de amor

Gregory Kerr

Que tudo seja feito de acordo com a vontade de meu Pai

I am now here at the square of St. Peter’s in which our Lord has asked me to place my feet upon the square. And I am now having a vision of the same storm of last night’s vision. A storm of wind, dark and gray, surrounding and swirling around the dome of the Vatican of St. Peter’s Church.

Above it, as if he were levitating in a deep state of eternal sleep, is Pope Francis, who in the vision has already passed. And the Church will be in waiting for the next cardinal to be chosen as head of the Holy See, our new Pope in waiting, although this has not yet occurred.

Our Lord is now asking me to pray for the healing of Pope Francis and of the Holy Church, for the unity of the Church. And I now pray so that there may not be any further division as St. John Paul II has described, that there be healing, unity and peace.

E Jesus agora diz, “My dear child, I have brought you here to give witness to what shall take place in the future. Pray that the darkness may not divide my church and any further division of the cardinals, that they unite in healing and peace according to the power of the Holy Spirit. That in these eternal days of Pentecost, my chosen cardinals may choose for the light, a new pope, my new Peter, who shall shepherd and lead my people.

Know that I am with you and I have brought you here for this to be fulfilled in my name. That the darkness may not conquer from within, that my church may continue eternally to be a light for my people.

I love you, my son, and I thank you for being present here. And may the glory of my sacrifice and my holy and Precious Blood be poured upon my church, upon the body of all souls, the body of my church and those who have chosen to love me. I am calling for a Feast Day of Love that my church may unite in its glory for the fulfillment of my passion, death and resurrection, and the power of the Holy Spirit to continue to guide it.”

I am now having a vision of a dove appearing over the body Papa Francis and light shining from within his heart.

“May peace reign within my Holy Church. And where there is division, let there be unity for my glory, the glory of my love and the glory of my children who are in need of the hope of my mercy throughout the world.”

‘Lord, I have come as you desired. May this be fulfilled for your glory. I know not the mystery that you fulfill all things for the glory and the beauty of your will and the love of your sacrifice for your people, those who are suffering and in need of hope: the poor, the sick, the dying, the oppressed.

Give them your light and love, and may your mercy be poured upon the whole world.’

I am now having a vision of flames consuming the Basilica of St. Peter’s, it is the flame of God’s divine love, of the fire of his divine love filling and consuming our Holy Church at this moment.

And Jesus, our Lord of mercy, is walking out of the flames from within the center doorway into the courtyard with his hands raised to heaven, saying, “May it be done according to my Father’s will. And may the flames of my divine love and mercy ignite a fire that shall spread throughout my body for freedom and deliverance from all darkness, and that the purity and transformation of my resurrection fulfill this miracle of love for my people.”

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