Coração de Jesus

Mensagens de amor

Gregory Kerr

Speak of my presence in the Holy Church today

I am now having the same vision of St. John Paul II, appearing larger than life in the center of the courtyard of the Holy Vatican, the Holy Church. He stands tall and strong, pure in his heart for God, holding the shepherd’s staff made of gold with his eyes closed.

Yes, he prays, standing guard to protect the Church.

‘O Mother of Love, take my hand and lead me this day. And may joy fill our hearts. Take me in the hope that is your love. Holy Spirit, heal and protect my heart each day from the battles of the enemy. And may I stand tall and firm in faith, like Jesus, like St. John Paul II in his love for humanity.’

John Paul II opens his eyes now and says, “My son, if you have a mission and calling with God, do so with purity and love, like a child for his glory.

Yes, speak of my presence in the Holy Church today. Speak of the joy of your calling for man from God, for their hearts and those most in need of his merciful love.

Yes, let your heart sing, my son, let us sing a new song. As you have been distracted by earthly matters, now I come to say, continue to follow the beauty of the path of the light of our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of Man, Savior, who has power over all heaven and earth for his greater glory and the redemption of my people.

Be still and recognize who you are in God.”

‘Yes, I shall do so. Thank you for bringing me home. And may I rest within the arms of our Lord’s love this night.’

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