‘My Lord, I love you. Take my hand and make me your eternal bride of love that I may offer my life as a living sacrifice of hope for my brothers and sisters. Of the sanctity of your love that purifies, and in it, you are glorified.’
“My son, come and take my hand that I may lead you on your eternal path of the joy of the light that I place within you now, the joy of my holy love that springs eternal flowers within your heart.”
‘My Lord, to love you is to love all things, because how can it be separate?’
“I thank you, my son, and I am waiting in the glory of my love.”
‘Take me as you desire. Take me and may I fulfill your will this day with joy and peace.’
“My son, you may rest now and receive my heart beating within your heart with the eternal flames of divine love within you.
My son, let love be your every act: kindness, compassion and the mercy of my Cross. Speak of redemption and redeeming others in my name by calling them to receive the gift of salvation, by calling them to receive me. Be not afraid, for I am with you.”