Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

Seek to live righteous and true

“My dear child, may the mercy of my love be poured within your heart and soul this day.”

‘My lord, I thank you for bringing me out into the night.’

What is now early morning where the half-moon nearly lights the sky that is clear around it, then fades into the distant darkness upon the ocean with one prominent star that is shining on the horizon. It is the one star that I needed to see.

‘As you know all things, my Lord, and you know my heart, and it gives me joy. So, I thank you. Lead me in your mercy.’

“My son, I shall lead you in my love each day and you shall rise within my heart of glory as you continue to follow me and grow in the strength of my word and by doing so in the strength of the gift of the faith. All things created were and are for my glory, my son.”

‘My Lord, the water moves with a crest of ripples and the glory of the night light reflects its darker beauty by the lights of the building that form a path of light upon the water. There is one distinct ray of light that is strong and reflects the water like crystals and diamonds. It is beautiful.’

“My son.”

‘My Lord, my words are not sufficient.’

“My son, they are from your heart and they are good, for they pronounce my glory.

Mankind is in need of my love. Seek to live righteous and true in following my example for I desire to fill your heart with my mercy, to cleanse and make you pure each day, that your heart may always remain in and with me that we, united as one, may pray for the needs of all of humanity.

Yes, my son, the world is in need and the eternal heart of my hope is with you that gives hope to all of humanity.”

‘Lord, I pray for a greater gift of hope in such a way to conquer any fears and that I may walk your path with a greater strength of your light within me.’

“My son, all that you must do is come to me for in every moment that we are together, with every word that I speak to your heart, you are strengthened for my glory to serve my children with hope.”

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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