Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

So many souls continue to reject my love and the gift of salvation

“My dear child, walk humbly seeking to serve your brothers and sisters in love. Walk with your heart open to his heart and pray for a deeper faith each day. Pray to fulfill God’s will and the desires of his heart. I am always with you and I shall lead you. Give your heart to Jesus.”

‘Yes, my Lord Jesus, I give my heart to you now. Take me within your arms of light.’

“My son, the world is in need of my merciful love. The world is in need of peace by converting their hearts to me, the true peace that comes from loving me.

Yet so many souls continue to reject my love and the gift of salvation that I desire to give them.”

‘My Lord, I ask forgiveness for my sins and the sins of the home world. May your heart beat within my heart each day in love.

I love you, my Lord. Take me as you desire.’

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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