“My dear child, come to me and allow me to cover you with my Precious Blood that I may fulfill my work of love within your heart this night through the desires of the hearts of the family that have invited you, to join hearts with my Sacred Heart.
Yes, my child, offer to them your heart knowing and trusting that their hearts will be open to speak with you. Speak gently, softly and in the grace of my mercy with humility and joy and listening and providing them with my truth.
Yes, my son, come.”
‘I rejoice in you, my Lord. I rejoice in the hope of your love and in the mystery of that which you fulfill and always fulfill. Most often unknown to me but oftentimes miraculous and glorious. For the heart of my Father, I am simply your vessel.
Take me as you desire. Take me in the joy of your love.’
“Yes, my son, I will take you in my mercy and in my hope to share with them my eternal and Sacred Heart.”