Jesus says, “My son, I am with you, and the choice that you made was the best to honor and serve me.
Yes, my child, turn your heart to my heart and allow me to fulfill you in my love. Offer your heart to me in prayer and in receiving me, and do not offer pearls to swine.”
‘Psalm 37 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart.” My Lord, I desire to offer myself to you as a living sacrifice of love and mercy for all souls.’
“ I am with you, I am with you. My son, be not afraid, but turn your heart to me and receive my joy.
Yes, my son, there are those whom you may speak with about our love. And there are those whom my Spirit is leading you to conceal me within you, to conceal my heart, knowing and trusting that I shall never abandon you. I offer myself to you as the sacrificial lamb of mercy.”
‘Yes, my Lord, forgive me of my sins and the sins of the whole world.’
“May your heart always be united to my heart, my son.
There are those who love me, who will see me in you, and there are those who do not know me.”
‘Yes, my Lord, I understand.’
“Rejoice, my son, rejoice in me and go where I lead you. Open your heart to all souls in need of my mercy and do not let your heart be afraid.”
‘In 1 Peter 2, it says, “As a newborn desires the pure milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby.” O my Lord, yes, yes.’
“Give your heart to me, my son, and allow the milk and honey of my living word to flow through you. Do not be discouraged, but stand strong in my love.
I am most pleased with the work that you fulfilled at the prison for the women whom I love. I love each one of them and I desire that you offer them my love by going to them so that they may know my mercy and my truth.
O my son, give your heart to the glory of my love and my word each day. Give yourself to all and I shall lead you in my mercy and my strength shall be your strength, my hope, your hope. For my children are in need of my love and by offering them a cup of my mercy they shall grow in the strength of my forgiveness and knowing that they have been forgiven of their sins. No matter how great the sin I forgive, I give my heart from the Cross to unite my sorrows to their sorrows.
Yes, my son, my heart is only love for those in need of my mercy. Tell them that I love them and my heart rejoices in all that is good for them to fulfill for my glory.”