“My dearest child, allow me to take you to new heights in my love each day, to new heights in my glory that you may touch the heart of heaven united to my heart, that you may fly within my arms of mercy in spirit to offer mercy to so many souls throughout the world.
Yes, I am calling you to proclaim a new day of love, to proclaim a day of repentance in preparation for my Second Coming. And what you have already witnessed, you shall witness more through seeking me to take you to greater heights.
Yes, allow me to take you as I desire in my love to take your hand and lead you by proclaiming, yes, to my heart, a yes, for all souls in need of my mercy and redemption.
I love you, I love you, let me lead you as I desire to see, as I see, to know, as I know, that my glory may be fulfilled for the glory of our Father, through the of my Holy Cross and resurrection and through the redemption and mercy of my love for the forgiveness of sins. Seeking only to love me, to adore me and to be united to me.
May the eternal light of my Cross shine within your heart forevermore.”