Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

The power of the Cross

I am now having a vision of Our Lady. She is levitating in the night sky. Her dress is gloriously beaded with more diamonds than pearls. And she is hope, our Mother of Hope, for all humanity.

“Come to me, my son, and I shall renew your hope each day, in Jesus. I shall renew your love in his mercy. The power of the Cross, the power of my son’s sacrifice, is the love that he has for all of his children in calling them to repent and receive his mercy that purifies and brings light to one soul.

Repent, my children, repent and convert in the love and in the name of Jesus.”

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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