Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

We continue to live through the groans of our fallen nature

‘Mother, the sky is clear even during the night, for I can see the clouds as well as the birds nesting in the trees. I know that you are present. And I thank you for the joy that you have always brought me each day in the hope of needing and receiving your love.

The Orchids are so beautiful in bloom in their shades of every color of purple and spotted with joy.

Yes, we could never fathom the beauty of Eden and what was lost because of original sin. If a day is like a thousand years, then what little time has truly passed in the hope and peace of our redemption. If humanity continues to live, we continue to live through the groans of our fallen nature.

But there is light and strength, for your son came to set the captives free so that we may be reborn in hope and live in the joy of mercy of repentance.

I am now having a vision of Our Lady. She is appearing in the night sky, illuminated from within with stars, yes, stars that are golden, one that is larger than the others within her symbolizing Jesus and the birth of our Lord. It is the eternal star of hope and salvation. The twelve forming a crown over her head, twelve in all, symbolizing the church.

O mother, take me, take me as you desire.’

“My son, I have come to you this night to announce a new birth within your heart. And you will see in a greater way through the eyes of your Savior for our children.”

‘Mother, I am unworthy.’

“My son.”

‘Mother, and I will never give in.

“My son, look at the beauty of this night and in it you can see that God is present. We want you to see with joy as this is the last day where you are and you shall be leaving tomorrow. For where you shall be meant to be before you leave this country that we love so dearly. In it, you have faced the battles for the light even as you have rested. But we want you to see all that is good.”

‘Yes, mother, I understand.’

“Your heart, my son, is for our hearts. Now rise and stand and walk in faith this day for it is good that you have come to me.”

‘I love you, mother, take me in your love as you desire.’

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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