‘All things begin and end with the love of our Father. And now I pray . . .
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, Father, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Father, protect me from all evil and keep me. Embrace me within your arms of mercy this day. Guide me on the eternal path of your love and fulfill within me the eternal mysteries of your hope.
Yes, hope, dear Father, for you are he who is in me, created me for all things according to the goodness and the eternal love of your will.’
“My son, listen to my heart, for I, your Father, love you and I am always with you. Be not afraid for I shall take your hand this day and lead you. My mercy is great and my hope stands eternally with you.
Yes, I am your Father and I shall take care of you.”
‘Father, help me, guide me in your wisdom that I may trust in you to fulfill your will this day. I love you, Father, I love you.’
I am now having a vision of an eternal golden light in the form of a star with many rays. It is descending from heaven and Our Lady is appearing within.
‘Mother, take me as you desire and lead me, mother, through your intercession according to the path of God’s will.’
“Yes, my son, I am present to love you, to renew your hope and courage in the name of my son and to take you to new heights of love in his mercy.”
‘I pray for peace, mother, peace and joy for the world is in need of peace. The world is in need of the hope of all that is good in your mercy.
Yes, you are Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth, of the universe.
Take me as you desire in my love to love God above all things.’