“My dear child, come to me and in the glory of my love, you shall be free. The enemy wants to disillusion you to blind your thoughts from my thoughts so that you do not see as I see.
The greatest thing you can do in your life to fulfill my will is to receive me as you are at this moment where I have you. You ask yourself what has become of your life and what are you doing? Do not think in the way of the world, think, ponder, according to my way in the glorious light of my love for others.
By seeking my path, you shall rejoice for all things shall become light through me in my presence, for the darkness has no power over the light.
Yes, he, the enemy of the light, Satan, does not want you to follow my path and to receive me. I thank you, my love, for coming to me. My heart rejoices when you are present.”
‘No, my Lord, it is my heart that rejoices. It is my heart, my Lord. I love you.’
“My son, I have allowed you, according to my will, to be with your family. Love them as I have loved you.”
‘Yes, my Lord.’
“When you are with them, be present with their hearts as you are with those souls whom I lead to you when you are in other places acting according to my will in your mission. Now is the time for them that through their love, you shall also receive my strength.
Yes, my child, rejoice in me in loving them. Remember those who have loved you throughout your life. When I told you not to look back, it was not to forget them but to leave behind your old way of life for my glory and a new way each day.
You ask how will you survive. But I have always provided for you through love, through my love and through your love in the way that you desire to fulfill things.
You have been called to higher ground, onto new fields of love.
Yes, you have been called in my mercy to speak of my mercy and forgiveness, to act with mercy for souls who are in need. Listen to my heart that speaks to you.”
‘My Lord, if this is what you truly want, then take me in love and may every word that we speak enter the hearts of your children throughout the world as I pray now for peace.’
“Yes, my son.”
‘Yes, my Lord, I pray for an end to these wars, that hatred may not escalate, to divide, to kill, to bring death.’
“My son, it is also my desire. But mankind must make the choice. Pray that they make a choice for peace. Pray for the leaders that I have sent you to. And pray for all leaders that they may unite for peace. My heart wants peace, my son.”
‘My Lord, I do not know how much more I can bear.’
“Do not look at life or the circumstances of the world through the eyes of those who I have chosen, the world. Remember to see everything through me, through faith, and I will give you the strength you need to continue.”
‘Please take me to new heights.’
“Yes, my son, it is now time to write C, tell him that I have placed a higher calling in his life.”
‘My Lord, he will ask me what that is.’
“Tell him what you have seen. I have allowed you to see within his soul according to my will. The enemy desires to block you in your relationship with those that I have led to you. You would not be present if I did not lead you there and according to the openness of their heart.”
‘Show me, my Lord, the best way to help these leaders for I do not know why you have chosen me to be with them.’
“My son, you ask yourself ‘why,’ but are you not meant to serve them with love? You know the reason and you know what I have called you to in the future, and for the future. Every prophet has his day. I have called you to fulfill the words of the prophets in preparation for my coming. Live and see all, fulfill all, through receiving me. And may your path be of humility and love. Call those who are awaiting, as you know who they are. Do not deny them my love. Deny no one, my love. Do not deny them my love because of their position.
Everything changes and evolves according to my will from yesterday till today. Do you understand?”
‘Yes, my Lord.’
“The path that you walked yesterday, my son, is not the path that you shall walk today. Rejoice that I am taking you there. Be humble in their presence. Address them as the world addresses them. But be their brother. You do not have to identify yourself for them, they shall know that I am with you and in you. There is much work to do.”
‘I need help, Lord, there are so many.’
“I know, my son.”
‘I become tired. I do not want to overthink what you can do, so do it. I ask in love. I am weary from thinking. I have thought all my life. I have overthought life and what you can do in a moment. I have witnessed your miracles.’
“Yes, my son, I would rather you speak to me as you are now than hold your thoughts. The joy of prayer is living in the joy of my presence, being filled with my love, my wisdom, my joy, that is your strength.
Rejoice and let no one discourage the goodness of your ways because they are not their ways and their hearts can be filled with judgment. The people, they have loved you through me, through my love. But yes, there are those who will deny, but your heart must not be discouraged.”
‘I feel now more so at peace. Thank you for your peace.’
“And my son, do not listen to the media that is filled with judgment. Listen only to my heart. And when you do not know, say you do not know. Do not be quick to answer, because it can also be a trap. You are no longer speaking to those hearts who are poor and simple and humble. You are also speaking to leaders of men and their hearts must learn through your example of love to become like the poor.”
‘O, my Lord, forgive me for not coming to you sooner.’
“No, my son, this is the moment and I forgive you. The more that you carry within, my son, on your own, the more difficult it shall be. Remember my words, ‘Come all you whose hearts are heavy and burdened and I shall give you rest.’ This also applies to you, which is why at the beginning of this message I said the enemy does not want you to seek me and he wants to tempt you to do this on your own.
Ask my children to pray for you. Ask souls for help, in humility, for serving me. There is no wrong in that, my son. Even I asked it of my apostles and of men throughout the centuries to help build my church. There is no wrong in asking in humility and do not over-protect yourself.
My heart was open and vulnerable to receiving and loving all.”
‘My Lord, let not my heart be hardened by the things that I have witnessed or resentful to those who have abused or been ungracious towards me. May I always love them and continue to serve them.’
“My son, that is why I have asked you to live in a state of prayer and to remain ever so closely to me that your heart may remain pure.”
‘So now, Lord, I ask forgiveness for my sins and the sins of the world, have mercy on us. I pray for an end to the war in Ukraine, that there may be peace, as well as in Israel that they call a ceasefire, but the fire continues. They must begin with peace.’
“What do you want, my son?”
‘I want only to love you and to do good, to multiply the blessings and the gifts that you have given me with great love.’
“Grow every day as a tree, my child, that gives glory to God. As my son, Thomas Merton was inspired to say, through my Spirit, a tree gives glory to God simply in being a tree.
You are who you are. You are who I have called you to be. I have given you the signs and the places that you did not want to go and I opened the door. Love them.”
‘I love you, my Lord. May I rest within your arms this night, my head upon your heart, my heart united to your heart within your arms. Take me as you desire in love.’