Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

Your Good Shepherd of love is always waiting

In Proverbs 3, it says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways, acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths.”

‘My Lord and my love, all paths in life led to you, they led in the eternal glory of prayer. They led in hope for you, for you are the way of hope, of truth, of life. O my Lord and my love, may I be filled with the waters of your compassionate mercy that I may be compassionate and loving towards all. I want nothing except to love you. This is the only true path of life.’

“My son, yes, seek me with all of your heart.”

I am now having a vision of Jesus as the Good Shepherd of love. His robe is made of lamb’s wool, so white and pure, soft in mercy. He is extending his hand to me and at his right foot is the Lamb of God. Jesus is appearing as the Man-God, divine and human in his being, as well as the eternal lamb of the sacrifice in preparation for Lent and his passion that shall soon come.

‘O holy and eternal shepherd, guide me as you desire.’

“My son, I am now appearing as your Good Shepherd to say, let me lead you, come, follow me in my glory in my glorious hope for all humanity.”

‘Yes, my Lord, I shall rest in you. I pray to be an instrument of your peace and to walk in holy peace for others.

Lord, I become so enthusiastic, excited truly with anticipation in all of the beauty of your words for the hearts of your children and the miracles of your presence that I witness, not of me, but of you.

I never want to seem overzealous or prideful. For if it is pride, then take it from me. But if it is of true joy in the humility of serving you, then let that joy abound to be a light for others. O holy shepherd, you are the source of all joy and are a joyful savior.’

“Come, my son, and let me take you as I desire. Your Good Shepherd of love is always waiting.”

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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